Wiki Migration

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Revision as of 09:55, 22 June 2018 by Adilger (talk | contribs) (fix links)
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Guidelines supersedes

Maintenance on the wiki at ended a few years ago. While that remained stagnant, the wiki at took its place. Whenever there is similar information in both places, use the information from the Whamcloud wiki rather than the wiki.old wiki.

New wiki pages should not have "Lustre" in the title.

The entire wiki is about Lustre. The page titles double as the URL, and we want to keep both clean and concise. Instead of:

we would want the less redundant and more concise:

The exception to this rule is when the word "Lustre" is part of a larger formal name, such as in "Lustre User Group" or "".


Status Description
to-move to be moved to the new wiki (merged if there is an existing new page) without update
to-move-static to be moved to a static web page without update
to-update-and-move needs updating before move, but no domain-specific knowledge necessary
to-review reviewer with domain-specific knowledge needed
to-delete page will not be moved and will no longer be available when the old wiki is shut down
moved moved to the new wiki
updated-and-moved updated and moved to new wiki


  • All pages moved to the new wiki must have a category assigned (to facilitate discovery from the front-page when categories surfaced)


  • Add a note for any status change
  • Add initials after all notes except purely informational data (e.g. has-redirect, has-files, redirect-page)
  • Surround notes with square brackets to demarcate the note

For example: [status-change: to-delete -KR] Pages

Page Status Category Notes
Acceptance Small (acc-sm) Testing on Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Accessing Lustre Code to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [out of date -CM]
Applying Lustre Patches to a Kernel moved [status-change: to-move -KR] [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration]
Architecture - Adaptive Timeouts - Use Cases to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR] [we likely want to preserve the Architecture_* articles on some level, there's quite a bit of useful information in them that's worth reviewing and moving. Perhaps merge them into Architecture Descriptions? -KR]
Architecture - Backup to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - CROW to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - CTDB with Lustre to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Caching OSS to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Changelogs to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Changelogs 1.6 to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Client Cleanup to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Clustered Metadata to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Commit on Share to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Cuts to-move-static [has-files: 2] [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - DMU OSD to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - DMU Zerocopy to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - End-to-end Checksumming to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Epochs to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - External File Locking to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - FIDs on OST to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Feature FS Replication to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Fileset to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Flash Cache to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Free Space Management to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - GNS to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - HSM to-delete [status-change: to-delete -AD] [too small and out of date -AD]
Architecture - HSM Migration to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - HSM and Cache to-delete [status-change: to-delete -AD] [too small and out of date -AD]
Architecture - IO system to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Interoperability 1.6 1.8 2.0 to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Interoperability fids zfs to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - LRE Images to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Libcfs to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Llog over OSD to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Lustre DLDs to-move-static [has-files: 57] [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Lustre HLDs to-move-static [has-files: 107] [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Lustre Logging API to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - MDS-on-DMU to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - MDS striping format to-move-static [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - MPI IO and NetCDF to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - MPI LND to-move-static [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Metadata API to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Migration (1) to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Migration (2) to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Multiple Interfaces For LNET to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Network Request Scheduler to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - New Metadata API to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - OSS-on-DMU to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Open by fid to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - PAG to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Pools of targets to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Profiling Tools for IO to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Proxy Cache to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Punch and Extent Migration to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Punch and Extent Migration Requirements to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Recovery Failures to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Request Redirection to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Scalable Pinger to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Security to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Server Network Striping to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Simple Space Balance Migration to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Simplified Interoperation to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Space Manager to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Sub Tree Locks to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - User Level Access to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - User Level OSS to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Userspace Servers to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Version Based Recovery to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Wide Striping to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Wire Level Protocol to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Write Back Cache to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - Writing Architecture Documents to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - ZFS TinyZAP to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - ZFS for Lustre to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture - ZFS large dnodes to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Architecture Descriptions to-move-static [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Backing Up a Lustre File System moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-update-and-move -KR]
Building Lustre Code moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-update-and-move -KR]
Building and Installing Lustre from Source Code moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [similar situation to Building Lustre Code, also worth considering merge with that article -KR]
Change Log 1.6 moved Releases [status-change: to-move -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Change Log 1.8 moved Releases [status-change: to-move -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Change Log 2.0 moved Releases [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-move -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Clustered Metadata moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [has-files: 1] [previous failed DNE attempt. to-delete or keep for posterity? -CM] [status-change: to-review -KR] [discussed on LOWG list -KR]
Coding Guidelines to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [We already have Lustre_Coding_Guidelines -CM]
Completing Basic Administrative Tasks to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [odd random chapter index for old manual -CM]
Configuring InfiniBand Connectivity to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [too out of date and too specific -CM]
Configuring Lustre File Striping moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-update-and-move -KR] [minor updates needed, also worth adding references to useful guides like the NICS Lustre Striping Guide -KR ]
Configuring Lustre for Failover moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Configuring RAID for Disk Arrays moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Configuring the Lustre File System moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [likely merge with Lustre Configuration Example -KR]
Contribute to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Contribute:Contribute moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [also rename to just Contribute -KR]
Contribution Policy to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [out of date, see Whamcloud wiki -CM]
Creating and Managing OST Pools moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
DRBD and Lustre moved Administration [status-change: to-move -KR] [status-change: moved -KR]
Debian Install moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [will definitely need updating if we decide to keep: broken packages link, etc -KR]
Debugging Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [likely keep if we keep Lustre Debugging Procedures & Lustre Debugging for Developers -KR]
Developers Guide to Bugzilla for Lustre to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM]
Diagnostic and Debugging Tools moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Documenting Code to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [replaced by Lustre_Coding_Guidelines -KR]
Download to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Download:Download moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [also rename to just Download -KR]
E1000 Driver Tuning to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM]
FAQ - Fundamentals moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Glossary moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Installation moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Licensing and Support moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Metadata Servers moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Networking moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - OS Support moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Object Servers and I/O Throughput moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Recovery moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Release Testing and Upgrading moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
FAQ - Sizing moved [status-change: moved -KR (collapsed all old FAQ pages to a single page on new wiki for review as per LOWG discussion)] [status-change: to-review -KR] [review and incorporate still-relevant info into new wiki Frequently Asked Questions -KR]
Finding a Project moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [needs overhaul if kept -CM] [status-change: to-review -KR] [it's a good topic -- my vote is to keep it, even if initially in reduced form -KR]
Fsck Support to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
GSS / Kerberos to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [replaced by [1] on new wiki -KR]
GetInvolved:Get Involved moved [has-files: 4] [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [some good content here, needs updating and advertising copy removal (e.g. "best-in-class family") -KR]
Get Involved to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Git Transition Notice to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [ancient history -CM]
Guidelines for Setting Up a Cluster to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [Not lustre specific. There are better guides out there. -CM]
HPC Software Workshop and Seminars - Regensburg Germany 2009 moved Events [has-files: 17] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Handling File System Errors moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR]

[status-change: to-review -KR]

Handling Full OSTs moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Installing Lustre from Downloaded RPMs moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Large-Scale Tuning for Cray XT moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [still-relevant? -KR]
Learn to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Learn:Learn moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
LibLustre How-To Guide to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [liblustre is dead -CM]
Load Balancing with Infiniband to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [only real content of article is two links to the manual -KR]
Logging API moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [to what extent does this match the current implementation of llog? -KR]
Lustre 1.8 moved Releases [has-files: 10] [rename on move to "Release 1.8" -KR] [TODO: commented out references to resources currently listed as "to-review" -KR] [status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre 2.0 moved [has-files: 1] [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [rename to "Release 2.0" and merge with Lustre 2.0 Features -KR]
Lustre 2.0 Features to-delete [merge with Lustre 2.0 -KR]
Lustre 2.0 Release Milestone Status to-delete [has-files: 23] [status-change: to-delete -KR] [there doesn't seem to be useful information here going forward unless we want to preserve this for posterity but has little current value -KR]
Lustre All-Hands Meeting 12/08 moved Events [has-files: 14] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre All-Hands Meeting 3/08 moved Events [has-files: 10] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre Center of Excellence at Oak Ridge National Laboratory moved Organizations [has-files: 23] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR] [status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre Community Events, Conferences and Meetings moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-update-and-move -KR] [merge with Past_Events on new wiki -KR]
Lustre Configuration Example moved [status-change: moved/merged as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR] [likely merge with Configuring the Lustre File System -KR]
Lustre Customers to-delete [has-files: 3] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Lustre DDN Tuning to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [this guide is for discontinued products -KR]
Lustre Debugging Procedures moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Lustre Debugging for Developers moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Lustre Design Document Archive to-move-static [has-files: 17] [status-change: to-move-static -KR] [part of the same group as Architecture Descriptions -KR]
Lustre Design Documents to-move-static [has-files: 17] [status-change: to-move-static -KR]
Lustre Documentation to-delete [has-files: 4] [status-change: to-delete -AD] [It only has 2 old documentation documents that is only useful for history... -AD]
Lustre FAQ to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [Incorporate still-relevant info from the old FAQ's sub-pages into the new one-page Frequently Asked Questions -CM]
Lustre FUSE to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [liblustre is dead -CM]
Lustre Fall Workshop 10/2010 moved Events [has-files: 3] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre Features to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -CM]
Lustre HPCS Activities to-delete [has-files: 10] [status-change: to-delete] [newer updated version on Whamcloud wiki -KR]
Lustre Internals moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [has-files: 3] [status-change: to-review -KR] [old information but likely worth preserving at least the PDFs as this seem to be the only place they are available]
Lustre Interoperability - Upgrading From 1.8 to 2.0 to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR very little actionable info in this page] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Lustre Mailing Lists to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [we already have this -CM]
Lustre Packages to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [out of date, easy to make a better guide in the future without this -CM]
Lustre Project List to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [ancient, we have Projects instead -CM]
Lustre Projects to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [summary page no longer relevant -CM]
Lustre Publications to-move-static [has-files: 21] [status-change: to-move-static -KR] [likely worth preserving, rename to Historical Publications? -KR]
Lustre Release Information moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [probably want to keep this page or and updated version something like it -- should likely also include link to Whamcloud's Lustre+Support+Matrix which is regularly updated -KR]
Lustre Support to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [mostly an Ad for Xyratex, mailing list references already available elsewhere -CM]
Lustre Support Matrix to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Lustre System Configuration Utilities moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Lustre Test Plans to-delete [has-files: 9] [status-change: to-delete -KR] [discussed on LOWG list -KR]
Lustre Tuning moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Lustre User Group 2006 moved Events [has-files: 10] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre User Group 2007 moved Events [has-files: 13] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre User Group 2008 moved Events [has-files: 22] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre User Group 2009 moved Events [has-files: 25] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre User Group 2010 moved Events [has-files: 26] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Lustre User Group 2011 to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Lustre User Group 2012 to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Lustre User Group 2014 to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Main Page to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM]
Managing Free Space moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Managing Lustre Failover to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [one line page with a link to the failover section in the manual -KR]
Managing OSTs moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [will need to wait until the referenced pages have been reviewed as well. -KR]
Metadata Performance Project to-delete [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-delete -KR] [discussed on LOWG list -KR]
Migrating to Git to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM]
NFS vs. Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [stil-relevant? -KR]
Netconsole to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM] [out of date, not lustre specific so unlikely to ever be kept up to date -CM]
POSIX Compliance Testing moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Patchless Client moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Preparing to Install Lustre moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-review -KR]
RAID5 Patches moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [likely candidate for deletion, but would be good for a reviewer to see if there's anything worth keeping -KR]
Recovering from a Node or Network Failure to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [content is a link to the manual -KR]
Reporting Bugs moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [need rewrite to cover move from Bugzilla to JIRA -KR]
Running Hadoop with Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-update-and-move -KR] [pretty light on content, but seems worth moving especially if added references to some of the more recent presentations on Hadoop on Lustre (e.g. [2] [3]) -KR]
SC'09 and Lustre Senior Technical Meeting 11/09 moved Events [has-files: 17] [status-change: to-move -KR] [Assigned to Ken as part of file transfer work -KR][status-change: moved -KR]
Sample Style to-delete [status-change: to-delete -CM]
Setting up Lustre Security moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [not much content, but good topic to build upon -KR]
Simul Parallel File System Test Tool moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-update-and-move -KR] [tool is still available, add link to its download page -KR]
Submitting Patches to-delete [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-delete -CM] [all wrong, start over from scratch or copy from Whamcloud wiki -CM]
Subsystem Map moved [status-change: moved as part of accelerated wiki migration -KR] [has-files: 1] [status-change: to-review -KR] [will definitely need updating, but with a good review there's quite a bit of useful information here -KR]
Testing Lustre Code to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [testing page already moved to new wiki -KR]
Tuning Lustre for Performance moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [not much content, but good topic to build upon -KR]
Upgrading to a New Version of Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration]
Use to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Use:Change Log 1.8 to-delete [redirect-page] [status-change: to-delete -KR]
Use:Use to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [meta-page that will be replaced by category pages -KR]
Using Pacemaker with Lustre to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [there is a newer version on the Whamcloud wiki that is under revision to use instead -KR]
Using Quotas to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR] [page is links to the manual -KR]
Using Red Hat Cluster Manager with Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR]
Using Xen with Lustre moved [status-change: to-move -KR] [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration]
Windows Native Client to-delete [status-change: to-delete -KR post discussion on call] [status-change: to-review -KR] [is this still an active project? I couldn't find any repositories/product-pages or any references to it since the 2013 LAD Presentation -KR]
Working with File System Labels moved [status-change: to-move -KR] [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration]
ZFS Resources to-delete [status-change: to-delete -AD] [Old small page from 2009 where all external links are almost all broken]
ZFS and Lustre moved [status-change: moved -KR as part of accelerated wiki migration] [status-change: to-review -KR] [rename to "ZFS". new wiki needs a general high-level ZFS page and an updated version of this could serve as a base to start with -KR] [add links to the disruptive-storage-workshop -KR]] Pages

Statuses the same as old wiki migration except "to-leave" instead of "to-delete"

Page Status Category Notes
2.6 Test Plan to-move
Auster to-move
btrfs to-move
Building Lustre from Source to-update-and-move
Changelog 1.8 to-move
Changelog 2.1 to-move
Changelog 2.2 to-move
Changelog 2.3 to-move
Changelog 2.4 to-move
Changelog 2.5 to-move
Changelog 2.6 to-move
Changelog 2.7 to-move
Changelog 2.8 to-move
Changing Test Parameters with Gerrit Commit Messages to-leave
Cloud Edition - Documentation to-leave
Code Documentation Guidelines to-move
Coding Guidelines to-move
Commit Comments to-move
Community Job Board to-move
Community Lustre Roadmap to-move
Community Resources and Mail Lists to-move
Components of a Lustre filesystem to-move
CORAL NRE Documents to-move
Create and Mount a Lustre Filesystem to-move
DNE 1 Remote Directories High Level Design to-move
Documentation to-move
EOFS - European Lustre Workshop 2011 to-move
Fast Forward Storage and IO Program Documents to-leave
Getting started with Lustre to-move
Guidance for Manual reviewers to-move
How to file a LUDOC bug to-move
If you have questions to-move
Jinshan+Xiong Imperative Recovery Jinshan Xiong to-move
Installing the Lustre Client to-move
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre on Amazon Web Services to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre on Azure to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre software - Client Setup to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre* - Community Support to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre* - Evaluation to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre* - Global Storage to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre* - Premier Support (8x5) to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre* - Self Support to-leave
Intel Cloud Edition for Lustre* Software to-leave
Intel Design documents to-leave
Jenkins Build Slave Setup to-leave
LUG 2010 to-move
LUG 2011 to-move
LUG 2011 Presentations to-move
LUG 2012 to-move
Lustre 2.2 to-move
Lustre 2.3 to-move
Lustre 2.4 to-move
Lustre 2.4 Scope Statement to-move
Lustre 2.5 to-move
Lustre 2.5 Scope Statement to-move
Lustre 2.6 to-move
Lustre 2.6 Scope Statement to-move
Lustre 2.8 to-move
Lustre 2.8 Scope Statement to-move
Lustre Community Development in Progress to-move
Lustre Development to-move
John+Carrier Lustre HPCS Activities John Carrier to-move
Lustre Presentations and Meetings to-move
Lustre Releases to-move
Lustre Support Matrix to-move
Lustre System Admin Position at LLNL to-leave
Lustre Test Tools Environment Variables to-move
Lustre Tools to-move
Zhiqi+Tao Lustre Training and Other Lustre Events Zhiqi Tao to-leave
Making changes to the Lustre Manual to-move
Making changes to the Lustre Manual source to-move
Managing a production Lustre filesystem to-move
MDS SMP Node Affinity High Level Design to-move
MDS SMP Node Affinity Solution Architecture to-move
MDT changelogs documentation to-move
Nikitas+Angelinas OI Scrub and inode Iterator Solution Architecture Nikitas Angelinas to-move
OI Scrub and Inode Iterator UI Design to-move
Parallel Directory High Level Design to-move
Parallel Directory Operations Solution Architecture to-move
Lindsey+Stack Partner News -- Content Store Lindsey Stack to-leave
Patch Inspections for Developers and Inspectors to-move
Patch Landing Process Summary to-move
Project Ideas to-move
Putting together a Lustre filesystem to-move
Rebuilding the Lustre-client rpms for a new kernel to-move
Recommended Workflow to-move
Remote Directories Solution Architecture to-move
Requirements for patch submission to-move
Signed Off By to-move
Static analysis of the Lustre source code with Clang/LLVM to-move
Submitting Changes to-move
Test Coding Style to-move
Test Tools Environment to-move
Testing a Lustre filesystem to-move
Third Party Tools to-move
Useful Gerrit Searches to-leave
Using Gerrit to-leave
Using Maloo to-leave
Using Pacemaker with a Lustre File System to-move
Using Pacemaker with a Lustre File System (under revision) to-move [compare/combine with above -KR]
Walk-thru- Build Lustre 1.8 on CentOS 5.5 or 5.6 from Whamcloud git to-move
Walk-thru- Build Lustre MASTER on RHEL 6.4/CentOS 6.4 from Whamcloud git to-move
Walk-thru- Creating a Lustre client to-move
Walk-thru- Deploying Lustre pre-built RPMs to-move
Why Use Lustre to-move


We should remember to make a copy of the LID (Lustre Internals Document) sources for posterity. We don't necessarily need to keep it on a web page, but we could at least put the sources in a git repo on github.